Swedish Eva and East German Ramona meet in the summer of 1971 as ten-year-olds in the former GDR. They form a lifelong friendship across the border between East and West. Later, their friendship is banned by Stasi. Despite the strong bond between Eva and Ramona, there are unresolved issues between them and Eva decides to invite Ramona to Sweden. Eva – who was bullied as a child in Sweden felt like a queen in the former GDR – while Ramona felt like a grey mouse. Through Eva’s and Ramona’s friendship, our understanding of how the wall between East and West affected the individual’s most private sphere – self-esteem – deepens.
Director: Minka Jakerson / Cinematographer: Minka Jakerson / Editor: Christoffer Sevholt / Sound design: Gustaf Berger-Auditory / Composer: Lisa Montan / Produced by: Cinenic Film
Format: HD / Duration: 15′
Year: 2021
With the support of: Creative Europe Programme – MEDIA of the European Union, Financiers: Film i Väst, Svenska Filminstitutet, Media Arena Lindholmen, Region Halland, Göteborgs Stad Kulturnämnd, Konstnärsnämnden and Västra Götalandsregione